Venetian Blinds (cleaned onsite)
Aluminium and wooden Ventian blinds attract dust and other pollutants from the atmosphere which often makes them appear old and worn out.
Those of you that have attempted this time consuming job of cleaning them will appreciate the service we provide.
Timber Venetians (oiled onsite)
Timber blinds are a costly investment, after some time, a combination of dust settling on them and the suns harmfull rays can dry and crack the timber slates, a way of preventing this is to have them oiled.
All Blind Service can oil your blinds on site in our truck our tradsman take the blinds down, oil them, then reinstall them straight away.
Vertical Blinds (cleaned onsite)
Together with the usual dirty hand marks, your vertical blinds have a contiuous movement of dusty air through them which acts like a filter.
Verticals can also absorb various bacteria, grease, allergens, nicotine and mildew etc, however, regularly maimtained can help prolong the life expectancy.
Holland and Roman Blinds (cleaned onsite)
These blinds gather everything from summer cobwebs, flies, condensation and winter mildew.